Statue Of The Virgin Mary Opens It's Eyes For All To See!

This is a video, showing a statue of the Virgin Mary opening its eyes. There isn't much information on the video, but it has managed to cause quite a stir on the internet over the past few years.

Apparition Of The Virgin Mary In Vietnam

This angel video shows footage of a small town, Tapao, Vietnam that has experienced an apparition of the Virgin Mary. The occurrences have centered around a Statue of

Angel Pictures: Guardian Angel

This picture was taken shortly after an accident in which the passengers miraculously survived. The passengers spoke of feeling that there was divine intervention,

Angel Pictures: Sullivan Angel

This angel picture was taken from an old reel of film that an architect named Danny Sullivan, paid only 15.00 for in a British junk shop. In the dusty old trunk was this picture of an Angel and some letters. The film itself, appears to show an Angel forming a crucifix shape. The letters had belonged to a WWI soldier named William Doidge. They were dated 1951, and revealed more of the story. Apparently, William had met an American WWII veteran who had seen the appearance of an Angel before an accident that killed some of his fellow soldiers while training for Normandy Beach.

Angel Videos: True Miracle? Angel Visits Dying Girl In Hospital

This video from a Charlotte, NC hospital surveillance camera shows what many say is a Real Angel, entering this young girls hospital room to perform what many say is a Miracle.

Guardian Angel Sighting?

This video contains a picture taken by a woman just after the birth of her new baby. above the child appears to be an orb, that if viewed closely, looks like a face, The woman believes that this could be the child's guardian angel, watching over the child.

Angel Stories | Real Angel Encounters

Have you ever had an experience that you are sure involved an Angel? Have you been warned, protected or even Saved by an Angel? Share your story with

11 Year Old Boy Goes to Heaven - Returns To Tell His Story

This angel video features an 11 year old boy who had died on the operating table, while undergoing appendix suregery. He was brought back to life by doctors, but is able to tell his story and his description of heaven.